University of California San Francisco

Gloria Sue large headshot

Assistant Professor of Surgery
Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery


505 Parnassus Avenue, #001
San Francisco, CA 94117
United States


    Gloria Sue, MD is an Assistant Professor in the Plastic Surgery Division of the Department of Surgery.

    Dr. Sue received her medical degree from Yale University School of Medicine. She completed a residency in plastic and reconstructive surgery at Stanford University, followed by specialized fellowship training in hand surgery at the University of California Los Angeles.

    Dr. Sue has performed dedicated research in hand surgery funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and has participated in several humanitarian trips abroad to provide hand and reconstructive surgery for patients in need of specialized care.


    Institution Degree Dept or School End Date
    University of California Los Angeles Hand Surgery Fellowship 07/2022
    Stanford University Plastic Surgery Residency 06/2021
    Yale University MD Medicine 05/2014
    Johns Hopkins University BA, MA Biophysics 05/2009


    1. Development of a rat model of lymphedema and the implantation of a collagen-based medical device for therapeutic intervention.
      Nguyen D, Dionyssiou D, Zaitseva TS, Zhou AT, Sue G, Deptula P, Moroz MA, Tabada P, Rockson SG, Paukshto MV, Cheng MH, Huang NF| | PubMed
    2. Artificial Intelligence for Plastic Surgeons.
      Sue GR| | PubMed
    3. Discussion: Parenting in Plastic Surgery Residency.
      Sue GR, Furnas HJ| | PubMed
    4. Aesthetic Science of Rhinoplasty: Three Principles.
      Gruber RP, Holland M, Rochlin D, Sue G, Moshrefi S| | PubMed
    5. Surgical Team Trips to Vietnam: Implementation of a Dedicated Cleft Palate Perioperative Program Improves Fistula Rates.
      Sue GR, Deptula PL, Chang J| | PubMed
    6. Lymphatic regeneration after implantation of aligned nanofibrillar collagen scaffolds: Preliminary preclinical and clinical results.
      Nguyen D, Zaitseva TS, Zhou A, Rochlin D, Sue G, Deptula P, Tabada P, Wan D, Loening A, Paukshto M, Dionyssiou D| | PubMed
    7. Economic Benefit of Hand Surgical Efforts in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Cost-Benefit Analysis.
      Billig JI, Nasser JS, Sue GR, Chang J, Chung KC| | PubMed
    8. The versatile free medial sural artery perforator flap: An institutional experience for reconstruction of the head and neck, upper and lower extremities.
      Sue GR, Kao HK, Borrelli MR, Cheng MH| | PubMed
    9. Use of hyaluronic acid filler for enhancement of nipple projection following breast reconstruction: An easy and effective technique.
      Sue GR, Seither JG, Nguyen DH| | PubMed
    10. Evaluating the Economic Impact of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Efforts in the Developing World: The ReSurge Experience.
      Nasser JS, Billig JI, Sue GR, Chang J, Gosain AK, Chung KC| | PubMed
    11. Microsurgical Reconstruction of the Smile: A Critical Analysis of Outcomes.
      Sue GR, Ho OH| | PubMed
    12. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Humanitarian Hand Surgery Trips According to WHO-CHOICE Thresholds.
      Qiu X, Nasser JS, Sue GR, Chang J, Chung KC| | PubMed
    13. The ReSurge Global Training Program: A Model for Surgical Training and Capacity Building in Global Reconstructive Surgery.
      Sue GR, Covington WC, Chang J| | PubMed
    14. Analysis of Aesthetic Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction After Delayed-Immediate Autologous Breast Reconstruction.
      Huis in 't Veld EA, Long C, Sue GR, Chattopadhyay A, Lee GK| | PubMed
    15. Complications After Two-Stage Expander Implant Breast Reconstruction Requiring Reoperation: A Critical Analysis of Outcomes.
      Sue GR, Sun BJ, Lee GK| | PubMed
    16. Mastectomy Skin Necrosis After Breast Reconstruction: A Comparative Analysis Between Autologous Reconstruction and Implant-Based Reconstruction.
      Sue GR, Lee GK| | PubMed
    17. Practical Applications of Delayed-Immediate Autologous Breast Reconstruction: A Flexible and Safe Operative Strategy.
      Sue GR, Chattopadhyay A, Long C, Huis in 't Veld EA, Lee GK| | PubMed
    18. Leptin Is Produced by Parathyroid Glands and Stimulates Parathyroid Hormone Secretion.
      Hoang D, Broer N, Sosa JA, Abitbol N, Yao X, Li F, Rivera-Molina F, Toomre DK, Roman SA, Sue G, Kim S, Li AY, Callender GG, Simpson C, Narayan D| | PubMed
    19. Critical Evaluation of Risk Factors of Infection Following 2-Stage Implant-Based Breast Reconstruction.
      Long C, Sue GR, Chattopadhyay A, Huis In't Veld E, Lee GK| | PubMed
    20. Management of Mastectomy Skin Necrosis in Implant Based Breast Reconstruction.
      Sue GR, Long C, Lee GK| | PubMed
    21. The unusual presentation of a burn from methyl bromide exposure: A case report and review of the literature.
      Sue GR, Karanas YL, Davis DJ, Press B| | PubMed
    22. Propylene Glycol Poisoning From Excess Whiskey Ingestion: A Case of High Osmolal Gap Metabolic Acidosis.
      Cunningham CA, Ku K, Sue GR| | PubMed
    23. Infantile hemangiomas exhibit neural crest and pericyte markers.
      Spock CL, Tom LK, Canadas K, Sue GR, Sawh-Martinez R, Maier CL, Pober JS, Galan A, Schultz B, Waner M, Narayan D| | PubMed
    24. Predictors of recurrence in patients diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ.
      Sue GR, Chagpar AB| | PubMed
    25. Hueston revisited: use of acellular dermal matrix following fasciectomy for the treatment of Dupuytren's disease.
      Terry MJ, Sue GR, Goldberg C, Narayan D| | PubMed
    26. Scalp melanoma and in-transit metastases: a retrospective case-controlled study.
      Teng E, Sue GR, Sawh-Martinez R, Nishikawa S, Ariyan S, Natarajan A, Narayan D| | PubMed
    27. Use of imiquimod for residual acral melanoma.
      Sue GR, Hanlon A, Lazova R, Narayan D| | PubMed
    28. Real-time free flap monitoring using a standard video camera: a lower cost and simpler option?
      Sue GR, Kim R, Chen W, Narayan D| | PubMed
    29. Major bleeding in patients with mediastinitis: a heartbreaking series.
      Sue G, Price G, Stahl R, Teng E, Narayan D| | PubMed
    30. Niche reconstructive techniques for complex abdominal wall reconstruction: a review.
      Sue GR, Narayan D| | PubMed
    31. Leptin signaling and hyperparathyroidism: clinical and genetic associations.
      Hoang D, Broer N, Roman SA, Yao X, Abitbol N, Li F, Sosa JA, Sue GR, DeWan AT, Wong ML, Licinio J, Simpson C, Li AY, Pizzoferrato N, Narayan D| | PubMed
    32. Generation Y and the Integrated Plastic Surgery Residency Match: A Cross-sectional Study of the 2011 Match Outcomes.
      Sue GR, Narayan D| | PubMed
    33. Factors associated with decision to pursue mastectomy and breast reconstruction for treatment of ductal carcinoma in situ of the breast.
      Sue GR, Lannin DR, Au AF, Narayan D, Chagpar AB| | PubMed
    34. Predictors of microinvasion and its prognostic role in ductal carcinoma in situ.
      Sue GR, Lannin DR, Killelea B, Chagpar AB| | PubMed
    35. Does time to definitive treatment matter in patients with ductal carcinoma in situ?
      Sue GR, Lannin DR, Killelea B, Tsangaris T, Chagpar AB| | PubMed
    36. Absence of aneuploidy and gastrointestinal tumours in a man with a chromosomal 2q13 deletion and BUB1 monoallelic deficiency.
      Hoang D, Sue GR, Xu F, Li P, Narayan D| | PubMed
    37. Arginine residues at internal positions in a protein are always charged.
      Harms MJ, Schlessman JL, Sue GR, García-Moreno B| | PubMed
    38. Effect of program type on the training experiences of 248 university, community, and US military-based general surgery residencies.
      Sullivan MC, Sue G, Bucholz E, Yeo H, Bell RH, Roman SA, Sosa JA| | PubMed
    39. Our trainees' confidence: results from a national survey of 4136 US general surgery residents.
      Bucholz EM, Sue GR, Yeo H, Roman SA, Bell RH, Sosa JA| | PubMed
    40. The vulnerable stage of dedicated research years of general surgery residency: results of a national survey.
      Sue GR, Bucholz EM, Yeo H, Roman SA, Jones A, Bell RH, Sosa JA| | PubMed
    41. The pK(a) values of acidic and basic residues buried at the same internal location in a protein are governed by different factors.
      Harms MJ, Castañeda CA, Schlessman JL, Sue GR, Isom DG, Cannon BR, García-Moreno E B| | PubMed
    42. A buried lysine that titrates with a normal pKa: role of conformational flexibility at the protein-water interface as a determinant of pKa values.
      Harms MJ, Schlessman JL, Chimenti MS, Sue GR, Damjanovic A, García-Moreno B| | PubMed