University of California San Francisco

UCSF Plastic Surgery Integrated Residency Program

Plastic Surgery Integrated Residency Program
Scott Hansen

Scott L. Hansen, MD, FACS

Director, Plastic Surgery Residency Program

Dr. Esther Kim 354x210

Esther A. Kim, MD

Associate Program Director, Plastic Surgery Residency

The Plastic Surgery Integrated Residency Program at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) is designed to provide comprehensive, integrated training including core general surgery and plastic surgery through the course of a six year clinical program. Consistent with our tradition of training leaders in academic plastic surgery, trainees will have 1 year of academic development time between the third and fourth clinical years, which can be spent conducting research or pursuing an advanced degree.

Clinical training in the first three years currently includes a total of 13 months spent on core general surgical rotations, 3 months spent on specialties related to plastic surgery, and 18 months of plastic surgery training. This is followed by a full 36 months of experience concentrated on plastic surgery, obtained at eight integrated clincal sites that provide broad exposure to diverse patient populations and varied healthcare systems. The operative experience is truly unparalleled with graduated autonomy as residents' experience increase.

Our mission is to train well-rounded, compassionate and creative plastic surgeons who become leaders of innovation, and pioneers in education and research. The program accepts three candidates per year.

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Meet the Trainees

New trainees are matched into either the research or integrated track. Regardless, each of our residents will have the opportunity to participate in clinical or translational research projects throughout their residency with the expectation that their work will be presented at regional and national meetings. For those interested, UCSF offers rich opportunities to collaborate on resident-driven global health, surgical education and advanced innovations.

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Program Description

The Plastic Surgery Integrated Residency Program at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) is designed to provide comprehensive, integrated training through a six-year clinical program, including core general surgery and plastic surgery.

The Plastic Surgery Research Residency Program at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) is designed for those with a heightened interest in research in the plastic surgery field and would dedicate 1-2 years to advancing their research career under the mentorship of a faculty member.

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Our mission is to develop the next generation of leaders in academic surgery.
Julie Ann Sosa, M.D., FACS, Leon Goldman, MD Distinguished Professor of Surgery and Chair, Department of Surgery